I must state here that I am no professional in the pizza department…I just love food!…and not only is homemade pizza delicious!…it also hits all the targets on the budget food list!
The Quiet Foodie is a site i will be constantly updating and this pizza page is no exception! The science, experience involved and theory behind is something I will be learning for years to come.
Making your own pizza at home is just such a brilliant thing but can be quite intimidating. The 72 hour proved pizza dough idea is a relatively new, but exciting one on me, and delves much deeper into the world of delicious pizza!
However much theory there is involved in this recipe, it is, at least in theory, a super easy dough to make…you do however need a bit of free time to do it! To summarise, you whip up the dough as you would any other method but leave an initial 24 hour to bulk ferment at room temperature and then the next 48 hours are proved in the fridge for the cold ferment.
People online seem to use this method as a no prove dough and in theory it could be, but I just have to knead the bread, even if its 2, 3, 4 minutes, just to incorporate everything, otherwise I feel like you might have clumps of flour through the dough which is obviously not what you want.
Why go all the trouble of proving your dough for 72 hours? Im sure many would ask! Well if you are looking for the ultimate pizza eating experience at home…like I am!…then this is the way to do it. We are looking for a dough that is interesting, one that you can roll nice and thin but still achieve a nice bouncy, chewy crust that chars if you were to get a bit of flame over it. A deeply flavourful dough with a delicious twang, that we can be proud to serve at a pizza party…thats why we prove the dough for 3 days 🙂
This recipe is failsafe and will produce a thin, crispy dough ready for tasty toppings!…
- 500g bread flour – ideally 00 flour
- 1g fresh bakers yeast (you can use active dried yeast if you can find fresh)
- 15g salt
- 300ml cold water
- Add the flour, yeast and salt to a bowl, give it a quick mix, then make a well in the centre…
- Slowly add the water and bring the dough together…
- Knead for 2-3 minutes until it starts to become stretchy…
- This is the bulk ferment stage – you need to leave the dough at room temperature for 24 hours until it doubles in size…
- Next, divide the dough into dough balls. I would suggest this is enough dough for 3 large pizzas or 4 slightly smaller ones…
- This is the cold fermentation stage – you need to then store each dough ball in the fridge in an oiled, airtight container for the next 48 hours…
- Make sure you take the dough out of the fridge an hour or so before you use it to come up to room temperature…
If you want the freshest pizza sauce check out this page!