Hi there, my name is Mike! aka The Quiet Foodie…
This site is born from the ultimate idea of wanting to be self sufficient. The ability to provide everything you and your family need from everything you have and can produce, that is the dream at the end of a very long road for me. Up until that time I intend to learn everything I can about food! Weather it be growing my own veg, baking my own bread or fermenting my own alcohol, I want to learn it all…that brings me to the quiet foodie…
The quiet foodie will look at all of this while focusing alot on budget and producing meals at an affordable price! There are a lot of ways around this concept including local seasonality, shopping smart and making food from scratch. I intend to make this a place where you can learn, get creative and be inspired to go off and do it for yourself.
The quiet foodie, at the end of the day, is also an experiment for me. I have worked in offices most of my life and have always dreamed of doing this. I hope, in years to come it becomes the hub, perhaps both physically and online, where people can go and experience food. It may be the start of a brand, it could be the project I work on when im 80 years old, who knows, but we all start from somewhere…
Lets do this…