Home » Pizza... » My super Easy Pizza Dough Recipe for any occassion…
pizza dough recipe

You can’t get better than fresh, homemade pizza! This super easy pizza dough recipe will give you great results every time. The greatest budget food known to man! Who doesn’t like pizza…!?

This recipe in particular is one of my absolute favourites! Its probably the recipe where my food journey began all those years ago.

The thing about making my easy pizza dough recipe is that you get so much for your money! If you are like me and make homemade pizza quite alot, this entire recipe is sitting in the store cupboard or fridge. I rearly have to buy anything special for my pizza making, I just stock the pantry every now and then… perhaps some good meat from the delicatessen if I’m feeling extravagant…I mean Iv spent pennies on the dough and sauce so I might aswell!

This recipe also happens to be my universal bread recipe! This recipe is the only one you need to remember to make a multitude of different things…all the way from a loaf of good bread, dough balls, rolls, baguettes, right the way through to pizza and calzone!

This homemade pizza dough recipe is a beginners recipe, really easy and will always turn out amazing! Even if you go wrong somewhere…chances are you will have something edible and tasty at the end of it.

Iv included my fresh pizza sauce in this recipe too but check out this page if you want more info on that!


Ingredients costed for this recipe – this time I used Tesco…

Prices as of 05/06/2022

  • Tesco Strong White Bread Flour 1.5Kg 1.00 (0.34 used in this recipe)
  • Saxa Table Salt 750g 1.05 (0.01 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Dried Yeast 56g 0.95 (0.11 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Olive Oil 1L 3.25 (0.05 used in this recipe)
  • Granulated Sugar 1Kg 0.65 (0.01 used in this recipe)
  • Grower’s Harvest Plum Tomatoes 400g 0.28
  • Tesco Garlic 0.25 (0.04 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Dried Oregano 14g Jar 0.70 (0.05 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Tomato Ketchup 555g 0.65 (0.05 used in this recipe)

This recipe will make 3 quite large pizzas or 4 good sized ones…

The Recipe…

For the dough…

500g strong white bread flour
2 tsp fine salt
7g or one sachet of dried yeast
2tbsp or a couple of good glugs of olive oil
2tsp sugar
300ml warm water

For the pizza sauce…

1 can tinned tomatoes
1 garlic clove
1 tsp sugar
Squeeze of ketchup
Salt and pepper to taste

Add the toppings of your choice…

To make the dough…

  1. Put your flour and salt in a big bowl, give it a little mix and make a well in the centre…
  2. Put your yeast, olive oil and sugar into your jug of warm water, give a mix and leave for 30 seconds…
  3. Now pour your water mixture into the flour bowl and slowly mix and bring together…
  4. Once together – knead the dough until smooth and supple – around 10 minutes…
  5. Place your dough in a bowl and cover with a towel until doubled in size…
  6. Knock back and divide the dough into 4 balls…
  7. Cover and leave for another 30-40 mins to prove until doubled in size…

To make your sauce…

  • While your dough is sitting you can also whiz up the pizza sauce. Put all the ingredients for the sauce into a jug and blend to a smooth consistency…

Now build and cook your pizza…

To shape your pizzas take a dough ball and press with your hands and knuckles from the centre and work the dough outwards. Do this until you have your desired size pizza, about £1 coin thickness. Leave a small rim of dough on the outside of the pizza unpressed…this will rise and become golden and delicious!

My preferred version these days, if I’m cooking indoors, is to start the pizza in a dry, hot frying pan and then after a couple of minutes put it under a really hot grill…

  • Firstly put your grill on max and get a frying pan on a medium heat…
  • Get your rolled out dough into the frying pan as you would like, then spread your sauce on and add your toppings…
  • After a couple of minutes and once the base start to crisp you can transfer the frying pan to finish under the grill…

Super easy and super cheap!

If you want more pizza info check out this page