Home » Store cupboard recipes... » My Super easy storecupboard sweetcorn fritter recipe…

These super easy corn fritters are not only easy, cheap and delicious…the big 3…but really quick to make!


  • 300g tinned sweet corn
  • 2 spring onions, finely sliced
  • small bunch of coriander, finely sliced
  • 2 Eggs
  • 30ml milk
  • 75g Flour
  • Vegetable oil


  • Combine your sweetcorn, spring onions and coriander in a bowl…
  • In a jug whisk together your eggs and milk and pour this over your sweetcorn mixture…
  • Sift over your flour, season with salt and pepper and give it all a good mix…
  • Get a frying pan on a medium heat and put enough vegetable oil in to nicely coat the bottom of the pan. You will know the oil is hot enough by dobbing a little bit of mixture in and it should bubble imedaitely…
  • Make your fritters how ever big you want and cook for a couple of minutes aside until golden brown…

What could you serve with the corn fritters…

  • Any kind of dip you like
  • Hummus
  • Bacon
  • Avocado
  • BBQ meats

Additions and substitutions…

  • finely sliced fresh chilli in the batter mix…
  • replace the corn with almost any veg – e.g courgette, squash, celeriac, carrot, potato…
  • try different fresh herbs and spices in the batter
  • fry off bacon in the pan first then add the bacon to the batter mix and fry them in the residual bacon fat…