Home » Bread and Baking... » My super fluffy flatbread recipe…

The main goal here was to produce some amazing fluffy flatbreads to wrap some sort of filling in…what ever you fancy…some herby yogurty dip, smoked meats, chips, halumi, pickles, hot sauce…what ever you want…chuck it all in…


  • 800g bread flour
  • 2tsp salt
  • 100ml warm milk
  • 400ml warm water
  • 1tsp sugar
  • 2tsp active dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  • Firstly, put your flour and salt into a big bowl, if using a machine with a dough hook put it in the required bowl for the machine…
  • Add your warm milk and warm water to a jug, the liquid should be just above body temperature, if you drop some on your forearm it should feel just warm…
  • Add you sugar and yeast to the liquid, stir to dissolve as much as possible and leave for 5-6 mins to start activating the yeast…
  • Pour the wet mix into the dry mix and slowly combine and bring together. I add the olive oil here as I go…
  • Knead the dough for around 10 mins until smooth and supple…
  • Cover and leave to prove at room temperature until roughly double in size…
  • Knock back and divide into 10 equal pieces…
  • Round off, cover and leave for another 10 mins to relax…
  • When you are ready roll a ball of dough out to roughly 5mm thick..,
  • Get your pan on a medium to high heat and dry fry for 2-3 minutes a side until bubbles appear and they start to blister…


  • When you are cooking them, I would have the pan on the hotter side, just to get a bit of colour and flavour on them!…
  • Don’t roll too thin as you will end up with large crisps…