Home » Pizza... » My fresh and tasty no cook pizza sauce recipe…
pizza sauce

A no cook pizza sauce is one of those things that you imagine to be easy to master!…but then you research and scour the internet to find out its a gold mine of different ideas and theories, so many different ways of making it. Different ingredients, different tomato varieties, you cant put sugar in, some people use this and that. Some recipe testing is surely in order!…but then my other half goes and makes the easiest pizza sauce known to man, which turns out to be the most delicious sauce we have ever had and has been the backbone to our pizza making for years now. Crazy how it all works!

My no cook quick pizza sauce recipe…

This recipe is just unbelievable! Its so easy, so cheap to make and super tasty. You can make batches of it in no time at all and I personally get everything I need for it from the store cupboard. Ill include a recipe card for it at the bottom of this page but its hardly a recipe!

One note I would make about this recipe is that it is solely based on the quality of tomatoes you buy. If you get a can of the cheapest from the supermarket and use those, you will have a very different pizza sauce to one if you used a more premium grade of Italian tomatoes. The cheaper sauce will be more watery, more bitter and less tasty in general. The premium are just a completely different product.

This no cook pizza sauce will make enough sauce for about 4 8-10” pizzas


  • 400g can of tinned tomatoes
  • 1 garlic clove
  • good pinch of dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2-3 tbsp olive oil


  • squeeze of ketchup or sprinkle of sugar – not traditional but good with the kids
  • swap out the dried oregano for fresh basil
  • a few chilli flakes


  1. I put everything into a jug and blend with a stick blender, that way you can then pour the sauce onto a big pizza. If you prefer slightly more chunky, crush the garlic with the salt into a paste and add it to the tomatoes separately. Then you can blitz or crush the tomatoes to your desired chunkiness.

It really is that simple and there is no need to cook it!