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Quick pizza dough recipe

My ultimate super quick pizza dough recipe…

Making your own pizza from scratch, at home, is one of the best culinary feats you can ever hope to master, and this quick pizza dough recipe helps by being super cheap to make! If you make pizza on a regular basis like me, you may need to buy absolutely nothing for this recipe! – I made this entire meal from store cupboard ingredients.

As a ‘wanna be chef’ Iv made quite a bit of pizza over the years and back in the day I would do the dough in the morning and have it proving for most of he day, I might knock it back a couple of times, and that always turned out great!…and is actually my number 2 recipe on this site, but then I had kids and discovered sometimes, you just dont have time for this! You need a pizza super quick!

This discovery of needing a super quick pizza dough recipe, not always!…but for certain occasions, lead to creating and discovering this recipe. The key here is to use plain flour, which can be brought for pennies almost anywhere, as this is a no rise pizza dough, there is no need for more expensive bread flours and no need to spend the time proving.

Iv included my quick fresh pizza sauce in this recipe too but check out this page if you want more info on that!


Ingredients costed for this recipe – this time I used Tesco…

Prices as of 05/06/2022

  • Granulated Sugar 1Kg 0.65 (0.01 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Dried Yeast 56g 0.95 (0.11 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Plain Flour 1.5Kg 0.70 (0.21 used in this recipe)
  • Saxa Table Salt 750g 1.05 (0.01 used in this recipe)
  • Grower’s Harvest Plum Tomatoes 400g 0.28
  • Tesco Garlic 0.25 (0.04 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Dried Oregano 14g Jar 0.70 (0.05 used in this recipe)
  • Tesco Tomato Ketchup 555g 0.65 (0.05 used in this recipe)

This is one of the quickest homemade pizza recipes iv tried with constantly good results!

The Recipe…

For the dough…

200ml water – just warm not hot
1tsp sugar
1 sachet of quick action yeast
450g plain flour
1tsp salt

For the pizza sauce…

1 can tinned tomatoes
1 garlic clove
1 tsp sugar
Squeeze of ketchup
Salt and pepper to taste

Add the toppings of your choice…

To make the dough…

  • Firstly, decide if you are using a stand mixer with a dough hook or making this all by hand…
  • In a jug begin by mixing your water, sugar and yeast. Give it a good mix in and let sit for 5 minutes…
  • Add your salt and flour to your bowl. Make a little well in the centre and pour in your yeast mixture…
  • Slowly bring the dough together and knead for a couple of minutes until you have a lovely, smooth, supple dough…
  • This will make 2 quite large pizzas or 3 good sized ones. Divide up the dough as you would like into balls. Whilst I’m working on one pizza, I cover the other dough balls with the bowl I’m using so they don’t dry out…
  • You want to roll out your pizza dough as thin as you can, somewhere around the thickness of a pound coin. I leave a small rim of crust around the edge, unrolled, because it will rise and it looks good!

To make your sauce…

  • While your dough is sitting you can also whiz up the pizza sauce. Put all the ingredients for the sauce into a jug and blend to a smooth consistency…

Now build and cook your pizza…

My preferred version these days, if I’m cooking indoors, is to start the pizza in a dry, hot frying pan and then after a couple of minutes put it under a really hot grill…

  • Firstly put your grill on max and get a frying pan on a medium heat…
  • Get your rolled out dough into the frying pan as you would like, then spread your sauce on and add your toppings…
  • After a couple of minutes and once the base start to crisp you can transfer the frying pan to finish under the grill…

Super easy and super cheap!

If you want more pizza info check out this page