Home » Easy meat recipes... » Super easy chicken and leek pie recipe…

Chicken and leek pie is something I’ve never really made before but still just developed as a recipe quite naturally! It’s just a leeky, creamy, garlicky sauce with chicken folded through it…

This chicken and leek pie recipe is super simple and super tasty every time! Without fail! It’s a crowd pleaser, who ever you are serving to. It’s also very quick to prep and put together.

The secret with this recipe is to have cooked chicken. Using left overs for this recipe is ideal but you can poach or bake some chicken separately and use that.

You may also want to serve this creamy, chicken pie filling along side mash or potatoes, or even over a bit of roasted squash or one of my cauliflower recipes! Very tasty!

I can’t help just working my way through a large helping of this pie filling!

Can I freeze this pie?

Yes! I would only freeze the pie filling however, and then when preparing the pie, thaw the mixture completely, reheat and follow recipe as usual. There can be a slight texture change when freezing cream sauces but when you reheat, give it a good stir and add a tiny bit of cream if it doesn’t come together well. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Can I have a pastry base on the pie?

Yes and I would make in puff just for less hassle. You won’t have any puff, obviously, because the filling is on top, but it will blind bake fine.
Line the base of the pie dish with pastry. Cover with baking paper…it always helps to scrunch first and then cover with baking beans. Bake for around 10 mins until golden and then follow the recipe as normal.


  • 1 home made puff pastry recipe or shop brought alternative
  • knob of butter – about 25g
  • olive oil – 2tbsp
  • 3 bacon rashers roughtly chopped
  • 2 leeks washed and finely sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • 2tbsp plain flour
  • 200ml milk
  • 250ml chicken stock
  • 100ml single cream
  • 1/2 tsp mustard
  • 500g cooked chicken

method for the filling…

  • Add your butter and oil to a lidded sauce pan. Add bacon and fry for a couple of minutes until starting to brown…
  • Add your leeks for 2 minutes until starting to soften and then add your garlic and cook for another 2 minutes…
  • Stir in your flour a spoonful at a time…
  • Add milk and stock gradually. Keep stirring as you add your milk and stock while sauce slowly starts to thicken…
  • Stir in the cream, mustard and then add your cooked chicken and stir through…
  • Season to perfection…

method For the pastry…

  • Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6…
  • Roll your pastry out to about 5mm/¼in thick, rolling and turning the pastry as you slowly roll it into shape. Roll out big enough to cover a 9inch/23cm pie dish..
  • Egg wash the side of the pie dish and place the pastry over the dish. Cut around the edges of the dish and press the edges to seal…
  • Puncture a hole in the centre and decorate as desired…
  • Bake in the centre of the oven for 45-50 mins or until golden and bubbly…