Tinned sweetcorn is one of the most budget friendly, easily accessible grains on the market, and also one of my top staples for the store cupboard!
Tinned sweetcorn is great value for money with it costing somewhere around 19p per 100g. Its also got great health benefits with a good source of B1, Vitamin C and Fibre.
One of the best things about tinned sweetcorn is it is another Veg!…and counts towards your 5 a day…and which you can, within reason, add to almost anything!…and also eat straight from the can!…
Here I am creating a page dedicated to all the good things about tinned sweetcorn and recipes which hero it…
How to cook tinned sweetcorn?
You have some options here…
- You can microwave your tinned sweet very easily. Pop the contents including its liquid, into a microwave safe dish, cover and cook on high for 3 to 4 minutes. Be careful, the container will most likely be hot!
- You can cook it in a saucepan. Just tip the contents straight into your saucepan, slowly bring to the simmer and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, drain then serve!…
- You could also drain and stir fry the contents. It can achieve a bit of colour and nutty flavour but will dry out slightly…
How to store tinned sweet corn once opened…
Always store tins according to the use by date on the tin. Once you open the tinned sweetcorn you will 3-4 days to eat the contents of the tin. If you leave the contents in the frudge in the can the iron and tin from these cans can dissolve into the food and the inside of the can will start to rust. You need to transfer and store the contents in an airtight Tupperware container which is preferable glass.
You may also want to keep the solution the sweetcorn comes in. It will increase its fridge shelf life as it acts as a preservative for the corn.
How to freeze your tinned sweet corn once opened…
You can freeze tinned sweetcorn with no issues at all –
Firstly, decant your corn into a freezer bag and flatten out into a single layer, it will take up much less room this way.
Next, insert, flat, into the freezer and use within 3-6 months.
To use your frozen sweet corn you can add it straight to your dish if hot. If it’s more salad based you can thaw the sweet corn out very quickly by dropping into hot water and then into cold to keep it crisp.
Fresh, Frozen, or Canned: Which Sweetcorn Option is Best for Your Plate?
When deciding between fresh, frozen, or canned sweetcorn, factors like taste, texture, and convenience are at the top of the list.
Fresh sweetcorn, harvested at its peak, delivers a crisp bite and vibrant flavour, making it perfect for salads, grilling or cooked simply with butter and salt! Where I live it’s not available all year round but when in season it’s great!
Frozen sweetcorn, flash-frozen shortly after harvest, retains nutrients and can be a convenient option for year-round use. If you need a handful here or there to chuck in a stew or a soup, frozen is really convenient! I do find frozen quite mushy sometimes compared to the other 2 types.
Canned sweetcorn is a great store cupboard product and available almost anywhere. I would go fresh when I can, but when I can’t, canned is just so convenient!
Give me 3 super easy beginner recipes using tinned sweetcorn?
To make Creamy Sweetcorn Soup, Sauté onions in butter, add sweetcorn and chicken or vegetable broth. Simmer until corn is tender, then blend until smooth. Stir in cream for a comforting soup.
To make Sweetcorn and Egg Fried Rice, Stir-fry tinned sweetcorn with cooked rice, scrambled eggs, and soy sauce for a quick and tasty fried rice dish.
To make a Sweetcorn and Pineapple Salsa, combine tinned sweetcorn with diced pineapple, red onion, and coriander. Add a splash of lime juice for a tropical salsa.
Try these great sweet corn recipes for snacks or lunch…